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Flag of Eritrea
Country Main Image Credits
Matej Hudovernik /

Holidays & Observances in Eritrea

Eritrea is an East African country bordered by the Red Sea. It has many different cultural groups with different languages and traditions. Eritrea is one of the few countries in the world with no official language as so many are spoken throughout their country. Islam and Christianity are both popular religions, each accounting for about half of the population. Most of the Christian churches here follow the Julian calendar, so the dates of holidays fall on Julian dates. Despite their differences, Eritreans stick together and have a strong national pride, particularly because the fight for independence was a long process only succeeded recently. Conflict with Ethiopia (its former owner) has negatively affected its economy and made it difficult for this young country to develop its own unique holidays and traditions.


Country Observances

Holiday Date Country Holiday Observance Type Religion/Belief
Independence Day Eritrea Public
New Years Eve Popular
New Year's Day Popular
Orthodox Christmas Religious/Beliefs Christianity, Orthodox
Ramadan Begins Religious/Beliefs Islam / Muslim
International Women's Day Popular
Laylat Al-Qadr Religious/Beliefs Islam / Muslim
Orthodox Good Friday Religious/Beliefs Christianity, Orthodox
Orthodox Holy Saturday Religious/Beliefs Christianity, Orthodox
Orthodox Easter Religious/Beliefs Christianity, Orthodox
Orthodox Easter Monday Religious/Beliefs Christianity, Orthodox