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Decide Day: The Power of Decision

Decide Day: The Power of Decision
Body First

"Decide. Commit. Succeed." These three words encapsulate the philosophy of renowned life coach and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins. He firmly believes that the key to achieving your goals and unlocking your full potential begins with a simple yet powerful act: making a decision.

Inspirational Holiday: Decide Day - February 29

As an inspiration to millions across the globe, Decide Day is in honor of Tony Robbins on his birthday to remind us to just Make a Decision! For me personally, I have been a listener of Tony Robbins for many years and have been inspired by one of his most impactful messages, the power of decision. Once we make a choice, we go down a path. Good or bad, it leads us in a direction. Our choices guide our future. Decide Day is about learning this philosophy and applying in everyday life. 

The Essence of "Just Decide"

Tony Robbins' philosophy centers on the idea that nothing happens until you make a conscious decision. Whether it's a personal or professional goal, a lifestyle change, or even a momentary choice, the first step toward success is making a definitive decision. 

Clarity of Purpose: Decision-making requires clarity. When you make a firm decision about what you want to achieve, you gain a sense of purpose that drives your actions.

Commitment to Action: Decisions without action are mere wishes. Once you've made a decision, you must commit to taking action, no matter how small those actions may be.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt: Decision-making is a way to confront your fears and doubts. When you make a decision, you're acknowledging your goals and committing to pursuing them, no matter the obstacles in your path.

Resourcefulness: Making a decision often leads to increased resourcefulness. You become more determined and creative in finding solutions to the challenges you encounter.

Momentum: Decision-making creates momentum. Once you start taking action, you build momentum that can carry you forward toward your goals.

The Three Decisions That Shape Your Destiny

Tony Robbins outlines three crucial decisions that can shape your destiny:

1. Your Decisions About What to Focus On

What you choose to focus on in any given moment affects your emotional state and your actions. By deciding to focus on positive aspects, you can shift your perspective and take positive actions.

How I applied this: As a single mother of 4, my focus was always on my children first. And as an entrepreneur, my second focus went to my business. I chose to turn my nighttime routine into writing for my work, rather than watching tv or reading. These extra 4 hours transformed my life by setting my priorities and my focus. 

2. Your Decisions About What Things Mean

The meaning you assign to events and experiences has a significant impact on your emotions and behaviors. By choosing empowering meanings, you can transform your responses to challenges.

How this transformed my life: I tend to take things personally and let it affect my mood. By deciding to see things from a new perspective and decide not to place personally meanings on events in my life, I was able to mindfully shift into a more productive space. 

3. Your Decisions About What to Do

Ultimately, your actions are a result of the decisions you make. When you decide to take specific actions aligned with your goals, you move closer to your desired outcomes.

How I applied Decision Making: While I tend to not have problems making decisions, I tend to question my choices. By realizing that each decision sets a path in motion that can only be changed by new decisions, I have stopped my insecurities of making the wrong decisions and started focusing on the next decisions. 


Celebrate Decide Day by deciding what you want, committing to your goals, and taking persistent action. You can shape your destiny and achieve the success you desire by making clear choices. Remember that your life is a reflection of the choices you make.  So, "Just Decide" and start creating the future you envision today.




From the Editor, Patti Jewel

Patti Jewel is an author, creator, entrepreneur, small business consultant, advocate for single parents, beautiful beaches, and finding unity through holidays. She has created inspirational, food, fun and awareness holidays for over 25 years and has written about and promoted holidays that bring people together and unite people in a shared passion. 



Last Edited January 20, 2024
Decide Day: The Power of Decision
Daily Holiday
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