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How to Increase Social Media Engagement by Integrating Daily Fun & Awareness Days into Your Brand

Fun and Awareness Holiday Marketing Calendar
Body First

Love them or hate them, Daily Fun Holidays are not going anywhere and they are golden on social media. Integrating some of these fun days into your social media plan will increase engagement and expand your reach. 

So how should you go about posting about a daily fun holiday? 

What not to do if you want more engagement

Do not just re-post an image of the day or just say Happy "Day". Sure, while we'd love for you to share our daily post, we don't recommend just re-posting. 

What you should do if you want more engagement

If you haven't planned ahead and you want to re-post, it's ok as long as you include additional content that relate it to you or your business. People don't want to see the same posts about a holiday. The goal is to connect a happy feeling with your brand by integrating your personality into the holiday. 

The best thing to do to build engagement and truly expand your reach, is to plan ahead. When you see a daily holiday that you connect with, create a plan to integrate it uniquely with your brand. You can download our free Worksheet here that will take you through these steps.

Integrate holidays in social media 2020

First: identify 5 things that your brand represents

Find and list 5 daily and monthly holidays that fit with your brands identity and personality. Believe me, there are at least 5 daily holidays that will fit! 

Second: identify your mission and purpose

Find and list 5 daily and monthly holidays that fit your mission. This is not about just relating to the product or service you provide, it is about your mission and how you help people. 

Third: think about why you are in business. What do you want to contribute to the world?

Find and list 5 daily and monthly holidays that connect with your type of business and the good things that relate to your contributions. 

Next, list all of the foods and drinks that you love, sell or produce.

Choose 1 for every month of the year from our Daily Food Holidays Calendar

What are some other topics or holidays that relate to your Brand?

Browse our daily holidays and sort by topics to find specific holidays that you relate to. Choose any that you may have missed in the above listings. Then, add to your list any Federal or Religious holidays that are important to you that you want to acknowledge or share. 


Organize the Holidays into Your Social Media Planner

Now that you have all of these holidays selected, add them to your Social Media Planner for the year so you can be sure to include them in your posts. Plan ahead a few months and create a unique way to post about each holiday. Use the holiday hashtags in your post to expand your reach and add your own unique hashtag for people to share. If you integrate the holiday into your business personality in your post, it will get more likes and comments so be sure to plan the post, be creative and have fun with it. 

Download our 2022 Holiday Smart Social Media Holiday Calendar Toolkit for a comprehensive Printable Calendar of all of the Daily Fun & Awareness Holidays, plus a Social Media Calendar Planner, plus a Daily Holiday Cheat Sheet with tons of ideas to post those fun, weird, foodie, pet love, and all of the holidays people are talking about that will increase engagement on your social channels. 

2021 Social Media Daily Holiday Calendar Toolkit



Fun and Awareness Holiday Marketing Calendar
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