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Confucianism is a traditional religion based on philosophy from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius.

Belief Philosophy: Emphasis on the importance of family and social harmony with more humanistic values rather than spiritual values.

Founder: Confucius (Kong Fuzi or Kongzi) (551-479 BCE)

Additional: Also known as Ruism (ru, meaning "scholar"), Neo-Confusianism (focuses more on metaphysical ideas with a combination of humanistic and rationalistic ideals). 

Key Concepts: Confucianism emphasizes the cultivation of moral virtues, social harmony, and proper conduct in human relationships. It centers on the Five Virtues (benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and fidelity) and the importance of filial piety (respect for one's parents).

Sacred Texts: The Analects of Confucius contains the teachings and sayings of Confucius, while other texts like the Book of Mencius and the Doctrine of the Mean also play a role in Confucian thought.

Practices: Followers of Confucianism practice the Five Virtues of justice, wisdom, charity, loyalty and propriety. Confucian rituals include ancestor worship, offering sacrifices, and participating in state ceremonies. Confucianism has also had a profound influence on East Asian culture, education, and social values.

Confucian Holidays

Most Confucian holidays are shared from other East Asian cultural beliefs and religions. The most important Confucianist days are Confucius' Birthday, Qing Ming, Chongmyo Taeje, Ching Ming Festival and National Day of Purification. 


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